Remote Support

CyberBlue Inc. offers remote technical support in the form of phone support or taking control of your computer support.

Beware of Remote Support Scams

There is malware out there that will put a message on your computer screen that says your computer is infected and the only way to fix it is to have a Microsoft support technician remote into your computer to fix it.  Don’t believe it, it’s a scam.  Companies pose as US based Microsoft support technicians.  You pay them and as soon as they remote into your computer, they infect it and the only way to clean it up is to let them into your computer to do further damage.  They’ve given remote support technicians a bad name.


Our Methods of Support

It generally is easier to let us remote in and work on your computer issue, than to have us walk you through performing the procedure over the phone.  If you are comfortable with that, we will try to assist you as best as we can over the phone.  For remoting into systems, we use Zoho Services.  When we are ready to get into your computer, we will have you go to  There we will give you a remote key and you can enter in your name and give us permission to connect.  You will be able to see all the steps we take to resolve your problem.

The rules

Please contact us via phone before proceeding with any remote support options.  If you are not one of our regular customers, payment is required before any service takes place.  Remote service is performed in 15-minute increments. Contact us for more details.

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